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Ladybug destransforms in the air, landing naked in a dumpster and finding a box and picks it up in order to cover herself. While lost in thought, wondering about food, she bumps into a man who appears to be removing boxes from a building and placing them in an unmarked truck.

He asks Marinette what she is doing in the alleyway, scaring her. Apologizing to scare her, Public Enemy then gives Marinette clothes.

Killabee walks out of the hospital with a crying girl named Kenya in her arms. She doesn't want to leave the hospital because her father told her to stay there while he went to find her plush toy, Mr. Seeing that the girl is a fan of Ladybug, Marinette calms her down by telling her that her father went to go find Ladybug and get her help with her "magic ladybugs. When she gets in the truck, Public Enemy tells her she has a way with kids, which she denies.

He hands her a granola bar and she runs off, surprising him but smiling. Later, Tikki happily eats it and transforms Marinette into Ladybug.

Unlike Marinette, Adrien detransforms near a hotel. He runs to the two rich people leaving the hotel and asks for anything to eat. They laugh at him, telling him he had "better buy a suit and get a job!

Extremely grumpy, Plagg eats the candy bar, and he transforms Adrien into Cat Noir. A helicopter descends to the rooftop, Camilla Hombee jumping out. She removes her trench coat and her wig, transforming into a shielded heroine named Victory, America's "super fighter" and President of the United States. She explains the situation with the help of Uncanny Valley's scan: Trash Krakken appeared before noon and started digging under the city, creating deep cracks which led to explosions, fires, water damage, and thus "the cancellation of the basketball championship finale.

Victory plans on annihilating Trash Krakken by having the most powerful superheroes attack it from space. It's just a sweet superhero girl show with a crush subplot that is kept at a PG level by today's standards and G rated by older standards.

There's also the fact that they are willing to help out the victim turned villain out with talking it out after mostly non-violent acrobatics and dodging obstacles. The only violence is slapstick or very mild peril and there's worse violence than that on preschool shows like The Lion Guard, Elana of Avalor, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic I can think of more but I'm too lazy to list everything.

Think of it as a much better upgrade from PJ Masks which I gave a poor review by the way where the heroes actually show true compassion and only a couple of characters are whining about everything and not on every episode I agree that ALOT of cartoons have too much whining. And yes there's a few problematic episodes and I personally don't want my daughter to see it so I just skip the ones that are unsavory.

There's plenty of good episodes to make up for the small amount of iffy ones. Just DVR it while your child is at school and watch it before they see it and use your judgement whether to let them see it or delete the episode before they get to see it it comes on during school hours in my area so if you live in the USA you might this luxury in disguise.

I know that not everyone is a fan of cartoons and many people assume that kids are overly spongey and pick up everything they see and hear but the truth is kids are selective about what they pick up from what they watch and most kids will likely pick up the positive things to imatate from what ever their favorite character is.

A little girl isn't going to look at Ladybug and start acting boy crazy just because the cartoon character does. Most little kids will pretend to save the day with kindnesses and when they see the romantic mushy stuff on the TV I highly doubt their mind goes into the gutter, nor will every single kid veiw that they need a love interest to be happy and those who think that their child will probably watched similar shows and yet they don't come to that rational if they did that might be why they blame a fictional characters in a kiddy show for their unhappiness and are attacking it even though it's obviously not real.

I am marking the sexy stuff because there is very slight innuendo in a couple of episodes but it's nothing serious the shower part and Ladybug was blushing and not drooling.

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Stormy Weather When Stormy Weather announces a spate of winter storms for the summer, Cat Noir remarks he was looking forward to swimsuit season, before looking at Ladybug and giggling. She responds with a flat look. Also a case of Dub Text , since in the original, he just says that he'd look good in swimwear. Small wonder Ladybug gets Green-Eyed Monster on seeing that.

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Marinette then presses the issue until Ms Mendeliev sends her to the principal's office as p unishment. Nude women photos com. When Marinette runs toward the locker room for her bag, she trips to the ground, slides along a bit, before flipping herself back onto her feet. Miraculous ladybug nude. Warning there is a slight nudity here.